



Ubiquitous Care – Friendly Care Found Everywhere


英語版:歌・曲アレンジbyRoshelle Che-Che Garcia、英訳by井上文二、協力by山本剛志さん



~Friendly Care Found Everywhere~

“I want to work to please people around…”
“I want to work to help other people…”
With such a feeling embracing in my heart
I opened the door of my care giving job

With full of hopes in my heart
I met with her for the first time
Not being able to do what I thought
I used to drop my shoulders

Even though I was yelled at and denied
I finally accepted that it was her sign
She just wanted me to know what she wants
Since then, little by little, touching hearts …

Beyond the time, a long, long period of time
We met with each other
One day, she said to me
“How happy I am now with you!”
Even though she was beside me
Her heart was at a distance from mine
Step by step, snuggling with her
Will fill that distance of ours

People get adult for the first time
People get old for the first time
The things that they could do until yesterday
Will no longer be done by their own

Having lived always so hard and tough
Unexpectedly meet their future
It’s not so easy for them to accept
Such a future that’s not to be welcome

Someday I will become the same as you
Then I shall welcome this future of mine
Don’t think the lady in front of you
Is all what she is in her life…

Though I see you cannot do anything today
I know the palms of yours
Must have been warming up
Many people in the past
Therefore, beyond the time, now it’s my turn
With these palms of mine
A little bit of warmth of my own
I’ll try to conduct to you

Anytime, anywhere, “OMOIYARI”
It’s full of “compassion” with love
Such a rich and happy this world
The future we want to create

Even though what a long journey it’ll be
Towards the person in front of you
Every action of “OMOIYARI”
Will be, will be the beginning of all…

Original words and music by Mitsuru Adachi
English translation by Bunji Inoue

ユビキタスケア ~いつでもどこでも思いやり、介護のこころ~

そんな気持ちを抱きながら 扉開けたけど
希望に胸膨らませて 初めて出逢った人に
思ったように出来ないまま 肩を落としたり
怒鳴られても 拒まれても 「気づいてほしい」とのサインと
受け止めてから 少しずつ 心が触れ合って…
長い長い時を越えて 巡り合った人が
「今が一番幸せ」と 言ってくれたあの日
そばにいても離れていた 心の距離だって
一歩一歩の「寄り添い」が 埋めてくれるから

人は初めて大人になり 初めて老いを迎える
昨日までは出来たことが 出来なくなっていく
一生懸命生きた先に 不意に訪れる未来
そう簡単に受け入れる ことなどできない
私もいつか同じように なる日が必ず来るから
今、目に映るその人が すべてと思わずに…
今は何も出来なくても あなたの手の平は
かつてたくさんの誰かを 温めてきたはず
だから今は時を越えて 私の手の平で
ほんのわずかの「ぬくもり」を 伝えられるように

いつでもどこでも 「思いやり」の心があふれてる
たとえ遠い道のりでも 目の前の人への
一つ一つの「思いやり」 それがすべての 始まりだから…

